

  1. Top WordPress Themes for Real Estate Websites: Skyrocket Your Property Business with These Stunning Themes
    Executive Summary In this pack, I have collected the top 10 WordPress themes for real estate websites, each with its unique features and...
  2. Top Crypto WordPress Themes: 20+ Best WP Templates for Crypto and NFT Websites
    Executive Summary Below is a collection of the top WordPress themes for crypto projects, carefully selected for their design, features,...
  3. Top Wedding WordPress Themes: 20 Best Templates for Wedding Websites [Hand-Picked and Tested]
    Executive Summary Finding the perfect WordPress theme for your wedding website is crucial for showcasing your love story and keeping your...
  4. Top WordPress Themes for Schools: Create an Engaging Educational Website
    Choosing the perfect theme for your school’s website is crucial in showcasing your institution’s unique identity and values. To...
  5. Top WordPress Themes for Restaurants: Create an Appetizing Online Presence
    Choosing the perfect WordPress theme for your restaurant website is crucial to create an immersive and mouth-watering online presence. In...


  1. How to prevent paged pages from being indexed by search engines in WordPress
    To prevent paged pages from being indexed by search engines in WordPress, you can add a “noindex” meta tag to the section of...
  2. How to limit the number of category links displayed in a WordPress post content
    To limit the number of category links displayed in a WordPress post content, you can create a custom function and use the the_content...
  3. How to limit the number of tag links displayed for a WordPress post
    To limit the number of tag links displayed for a WordPress post, you can create a custom function and use the the_tags() function with a...
  4. How to create a custom static header for the front page in WordPress
    To create a custom static header for the front page in WordPress, follow these steps: Create a new file called front-page.php in your...
  5. How to remove the “Archive | ” text from the archive title in WordPress
    To remove the “Archive | ” text from the archive title in WordPress, you can use the get_the_archive_title filter. Add the...
  6. How to customize the date format in WordPress
    To customize the date format in WordPress, follow these steps: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard. Go to “Settings” >...
  7. How to call header files in a WordPress theme
    To call the basic WordPress header files in a theme, you need to use the get_header() function. The get_header() function is used to...
  8. How to hide custom fields for non-admin users in the WordPress admin area
    To hide custom fields for non-admin users in the WordPress admin area, you can use the admin_head action hook and CSS to hide the Custom...
  9. How to auto-assign custom page slugs to WordPress pages automatically
    To auto-assign custom page slugs to WordPress pages automatically, you can use the wp_insert_post_data filter to modify the slug before the...
  10. How to display the 5 recent posts from a specific category on a WordPress page
    To display the 5 latest posts from a specific category on a WordPress page, you can create a custom page template and use a custom WP_Query...
  11. How to display the 5 latest posts on a WordPress page
    To display the 5 latest posts on a WordPress page, you can use the WP_Query class to create a custom loop. Follow these steps: In your...
  12. How to deregister default styles in the WordPress admin area
    To deregister default styles in the WordPress admin area, you can use the admin_enqueue_scripts action hook and the wp_deregister_style()...
  13. How to remove emojicons from a WordPress site
    To remove emoji support and related scripts from your WordPress site, you can add the following code snippet to your theme’s...
  14. How to Use Classic Editor with WordPress 5.0
    To use the Classic Editor with WordPress 5.0 and later versions, you need to install and activate the Classic Editor plugin. Here’s...
  15. How to load jQuery only for a specific page in a WordPress theme
    To load jQuery only for a specific page in a WordPress theme, you can use conditional tags to check for the page ID, slug, or title, and...
  16. How to apply the Bootstrap CSS class .img-fluid to all content images in your WordPress theme
    To apply the Bootstrap CSS class .img-fluid to all content images in your WordPress theme, you can use the the_content filter to modify the...
  17. How to fix “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” in WordPress
    The “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error in WordPress usually occurs when you are using jQuery in your custom...
  18. How to display the current user’s username when they are logged in
    To display the current user’s username when they are logged into a WordPress site, you can use the wp_get_current_user() function....
  19. How to to display a list of categories with nested subcategories in WordPress
    To display a list of categories with nested subcategories in WordPress, you can use the wp_list_categories() function. This function...
  20. How to change the style of a parent <li> when hovering over a child element
    To change the style of a parent <li> when hovering over a child element, you can use JavaScript or jQuery to achieve this effect....
  21. How to change the style of a parent <li> element on hover
    To change the style of a parent <li> element when you hover over it, you can use CSS :hover pseudo-class. Here’s an example: /*...
  22. How to load JavaScript after jQuery.js has loaded in WordPress
    To load your custom JavaScript file after jQuery has loaded in WordPress, you need to enqueue your script with jQuery as a dependency....
  23. How to include jQuery in a WordPress theme?
    jQuery is included in WordPress by default, so you don’t need to include it separately. However, you need to make sure that you...
  24. How to force wp_enqueue_style() to display the CSS at the very bottom of the tag
    While you can’t directly force wp_enqueue_style() to display the CSS at the very bottom of the tag, you can control the loading order...
  25. How to detect if the current page is the home page in a WordPress theme
    In a WordPress theme, you can use the is_front_page() and is_home() conditional functions to detect if the current page is the home page....
  26. How to add a CSS class to the Gravatar image in WordPress
    To add a CSS class to the Gravatar image in WordPress, you can use the get_avatar filter. Here’s how you can do it: In your WordPress...
  27. How to get the name of the primary category of a post in WordPress
    To get the name of the primary category of a post, you’ll need to use the Yoast SEO plugin, as WordPress does not have a native...
  28. How to automatically log in a user after registration in WordPress
    To automatically log in a user after registration in WordPress, you can use the user_register action hook. The following code snippet...
  29. How to retrieve a list of sibling pages on a WordPress page
    To retrieve a list of a WordPress page’s sibling pages, you can use the get_pages() function with the appropriate arguments....
  30. How to prevent a redirection to localhost in a WordPress site
    If you’re experiencing a redirect to localhost in your WordPress site, it’s likely due to incorrect site URL settings in your...
  31. How to remove the “Tag:” prefix from the tag title in the archive pages of a WordPress theme
    To remove the “Tag:” prefix from the tag title in the archive pages of your WordPress theme, you can use the...
  32. How to remove the “Category:” prefix from the category title in the archive pages of a WordPress theme
    To remove the “Category:” prefix from the category title in the archive pages of your WordPress theme, you can use the...
  33. How to add a featured image to a custom post type in WordPress
    To add a featured image to a custom post type in WordPress, you need to add support for the ‘thumbnail’ feature when...
  34. How to remove the class and id attributes from the li elements for menu items and pages list in WordPress
    To remove the class and id attributes from the li elements for menu items and pages list in WordPress, you can create custom walker classes...
  35. How to fix if single.php doesn’t display the_content() in WorPpress
    If the single.php file in your WordPress theme doesn’t display the content with the_content() function, there could be several...
  36. How to remove tags from a WordPress site
    To remove tags from your WordPress site, you can follow these steps: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard. Go to “Posts” >...
  37. How to add a CSS class to the get_the_post_thumbnail() function in WordPress
    To add a CSS class to the get_the_post_thumbnail() function in WordPress, you can use the $attr parameter. Here’s an example code...
  38. How to create a custom WordPress shortcode
    To create a custom WordPress shortcode, you need to define a custom function that generates the desired output and then register that...
  39. How to change the number of posts displayed on category pages in WordPress
    To change the number of posts displayed on category pages in WordPress, you can use the pre_get_posts action hook to modify the...
  40. How to enqueue a script and style only on the single and archive pages of a custom post type
    To enqueue a script and style only on the single and archive pages of a custom post type, you’ll need to use conditional tags within...
  41. How to enqueue a styles.css file in a WordPress theme
    To include a styles.css file in your WordPress theme, you need to enqueue the stylesheet using the wp_enqueue_style() function. You should...
  42. How to automatically apply CSS to specific words in WordPress posts
    To automatically apply CSS to specific words in WordPress posts, you can create a custom function to search for those words and wrap them...
  43. How to fix a 404 error in pagination on a WordPress site
    A 404 error in pagination on a WordPress site can be caused by several factors, including issues with permalink settings, .htaccess file,...
  44. How to remove the version number from scripts enqueued in WordPress
    To remove the version number from scripts enqueued with wp_enqueue_script(), you can use the wp_enqueue_script function without specifying...
  45. How to fix “The requested URL was not found on this server”
    The error “The requested URL was not found on this server” usually occurs when the server cannot find the requested resource....
  46. How to get the current category ID of the active page in WordPress
    To get the current category ID of the active page in WordPress, you can use the get_queried_object() function. Here’s how to do it:...
  47. What is the difference between get_the_* and the_* template tags in WordPress?
    In WordPress, template tags are functions used to retrieve and display data from your website. When it comes to get_the_* and the_*...
  48. How to automatically add a CSS class to images inserted in WordPress posts
    To automatically add a CSS class to images inserted in WordPress posts, you can use the get_image_tag_class filter. Here’s how to do...
  49. How to prevent WordPress asking for FTP credentials to install plugins
    When WordPress asks for your FTP credentials while installing plugins, it usually means that it doesn’t have the necessary...
  50. How to prevent redirect after login on WordPress
    By default, WordPress redirects users to the admin dashboard after a successful login. If you want to prevent this redirect and send users...
  51. How to get the current page name in WordPress?
    In WordPress, you can get the current page name using various methods, depending on the context and the information you need. Here are a...
  52. How to add target=”_blank” and rel=”noopener” to all external links in WordPress posts
    To add rel=”noopener” and target=”_blank” to all external links in WordPress posts, you can use a code snippet in...
  53. How to add a rel=”nofollow” attribute to all links in WordPress posts
    To add a rel=”nofollow” attribute to all links in your WordPress posts, you can follow these steps: Edit your theme’s...
  54. How to remove the “nofollow” attribute from all internal links on a WordPress site
    To remove the “nofollow” attribute from all internal links on your WordPress site, you can use one of the following methods:...