How to display the current user’s username when they are logged in

To display the current user’s username when they are logged into a WordPress site, you can use the wp_get_current_user() function.

Here’s an example of how to use this function:

$current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // Get the current user object

if ($current_user->ID > 0) { // Check if the user is logged in
echo 'Welcome, ' . esc_html($current_user->user_login) . '!'; // Display the username
} else {
echo 'Welcome, Guest!';

Place this code snippet in the appropriate theme template file where you want to display the user’s username, such as header.php or sidebar.php.

This code will display “Welcome, [username]!” if the user is logged in and “Welcome, Guest!” if the user is not logged in.

Remember to always backup your files before making any changes, and test your changes on a staging site or local development environment before applying them to your live site.

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