How to prevent paged pages from being indexed by search engines in WordPress

To prevent paged pages from being indexed by search engines in WordPress, you can add a “noindex” meta tag to the section of paged pages. You can achieve this by adding the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file: In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to “Appearance” > “Theme Editor.” In the right sidebar,…

How to limit the number of category links displayed in a WordPress post content

To limit the number of category links displayed in a WordPress post content, you can create a custom function and use the the_content filter to modify the post content accordingly. Add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file: In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to “Appearance” > “Theme Editor.” In the right sidebar,…

How to limit the number of tag links displayed for a WordPress post

To limit the number of tag links displayed for a WordPress post, you can create a custom function and use the the_tags() function with a custom loop. Add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file: In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to “Appearance” > “Theme Editor.” In the right sidebar, locate and click…

How to create a custom static header for the front page in WordPress

To create a custom static header for the front page in WordPress, follow these steps: Create a new file called front-page.php in your theme’s directory (if it doesn’t already exist). The front-page.php file will be used as the template for your static front page. Open the front-page.php file and add the following code snippet at…

How to remove the “Archive | ” text from the archive title in WordPress

To remove the “Archive | ” text from the archive title in WordPress, you can use the get_the_archive_title filter. Add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file: In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to “Appearance” > “Theme Editor.” In the right sidebar, locate and click on the “functions.php” file. Add the following code…

How to customize the date format in WordPress

To customize the date format in WordPress, follow these steps: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard. Go to “Settings” > “General.” Scroll down to the “Date Format” section. Choose one of the predefined formats or create a custom format using PHP date format characters. To create a custom format, select the “Custom” option and…

How to call header files in a WordPress theme

To call the basic WordPress header files in a theme, you need to use the get_header() function. The get_header() function is used to include the header.php file in your theme. Typically, you call this function in your theme’s template files like index.php, page.php, single.php, etc. Here’s an example of how to call the basic WordPress…

How to hide custom fields for non-admin users in the WordPress admin area

To hide custom fields for non-admin users in the WordPress admin area, you can use the admin_head action hook and CSS to hide the Custom Fields metabox. Add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file: In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to “Appearance” > “Theme Editor.” In the right sidebar, locate and click…

How to auto-assign custom page slugs to WordPress pages automatically

To auto-assign custom page slugs to WordPress pages automatically, you can use the wp_insert_post_data filter to modify the slug before the page is saved to the database. Add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file: In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to “Appearance” > “Theme Editor.” In the right sidebar, locate and click…

How to display the 5 recent posts from a specific category on a WordPress page

To display the 5 latest posts from a specific category on a WordPress page, you can create a custom page template and use a custom WP_Query loop to fetch the desired posts. Follow these steps: In your WordPress theme folder, create a new file and name it page-latest-posts.php or any other name you prefer. Add…